We are looking for companies to work with us in developing modern data solutions. Email us at hello@labracorp.com.

Competitive advantage from proprietary data

We are unifying Large Language Models (LLMs) with Knowledge Graphs (KG) for better and more reliable insights from proprietary and web-sourced data.

Our insights

1. Organizations swim in lakes of (un)structured data that goes underutilized

Aggregating relevant data under a single source of truth (SSOT) database with easy query access would provide an immediate boost to productivity. Use cases range from simple data retrieval to complex analyses.

2. LLMs excel at reasoning but struggle with facts

LLMs have shown humanlike ability to understand complex concepts and relations but are not suitable to answer long-tail or domain-specific questions. For most domain-specific or complex use cases, they should be complemented with additional data.

3. Document-based RAG is a powerful tool to provide external data for LLMs but has clear limitations  

Document-based Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) makes it possible to inject external data into LLMs' context. However, its limitations become apparent in analyses where data from seemingly unrelated topics is needed or when the data needs to be updated with potentially conflicting information.

Our solution

Knowledge Graphs provide a data layer that can be created, modified and accessed by LLMs.

Are you a business looking to maximize the value of your data? Work with us in unifying Knowledge Graphs and LLMs to build a new way of how we access and use data: hello@labracorp.com